Our Philosophy
Learning is a complex endeavour. Students’ motivation and belief in their abilities can make a huge difference in how well and how much they learn and improve. Keeping students at the centre of the learning process increases achievement and fosters their capacity for further learning. When students develop greater awareness of what they know and how they learn, they are better able to respond to new learning challenges. Students’ motivation and future learning are greatly affected by what we communicate to them about their learning, how we do it, and when we do it. Ideally, communication about student learning is timely, ongoing, and embedded in the learning process describes what students are able to do, and provides direction for next steps encourages students to set and revise learning goals. Assessment for and as learning yields different kinds of information than assessment of learning. Providing a complete picture to the student and to parents is essential. To make this vision a reality, new ways of thinking and performance will be required. Some are detailed below.
Learner’s Will
Collaborate with faculties and mentors to sail through cut throat competition, undergo rigorous learning experiences based on their competency and their grade level
Make an impact on their immediate and broader social circle as they engage in highly professional learning environment and help themselves of immersive and authentic learning experiences
Discipline, highly competitive, regular in their effort and even make use of failure as they engage in a continuous learning process
Use data, take help of mentors to track their progress and to understand their cognitive, social, and emotional strengths and challenges.
Learning Agents: The Leaders of tomorrow will
Work together to facilitate the use of highly researched learning materials to create rich learning experiences that are tailored to the learning profiles and needs of each learner.
Amplify their ability to serve “the whole student” by creating an enhanced learning environment through continuous guidance.
The Learning System will
Provide all students with high-quality learning experiences from a diverse range of highly experienced, core, stable and permanent Faculties.
Make use of flexible and adaptive learning platforms that support the overall academic performance.
Make nimble adjustments in response to frequent feedback coming from multiple data streams and enable learners to have best experience of learning.
Ensure the development and use of high-quality performance-based assessments for all students.